
Monday, February 8, 2010


1. The Super Bowl

Yes, I know there was a big game last night. Yes, I know it is all anyone is talking about today. No, I don't give a flying fornication about it. 

Football is barbaric. People sit around and watch barely functioning man-children hit each other and make more money then we can possibly dream of. Hell, even before we start spending big money on these idiots hundred of thousands of dollars in scholarships are wasted to push these imbeciles through college, so they can go on to never use that degree someone with more then half a brain desperately wanted but couldn't afford.

And don't give me a crap about them being hardcore. Stop doing steroids and take off the pads, then we can talk about hardcore.

2. Confusion

Some readers expressed confusion over how the SFT server functioned. I have provided the following chart to illustrate:

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