OK, time for some boring covering my ass stuff.
For those of you to dense to realize, the stories of excessive drinking and other self destructive behavior are SATIRICAL FICTION. Don't try to drink or smoke as much as James Harper, it will kill you. And now I have gone and ruined the whole thing.

Somewhat Funny Things by James Harper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The short version of the above license is that anyone is free to reproduce or modify the contents of this site as long as it is properly attributed (a link back to this site and/or simply marking the work as originating from Somewhat Funny Things by James Harper would be fine, with a link to the original article preferred over simply a link to the main page, if applicable), and such reproduction or modification is not restricted to non-commercial works.
But hey, I am not a lawyer. A much better explanation is available from the folks at Creative Commons, as is the delightful legalese.
If you have and questions or special requests (or you would simply like to let me know you are sharing my work, which would be much appreciated), you can get in touch with me through Facebook or Google+, as well as good old fashioned email.
I do my best to only use pictures either in the public domain or an appropriate Creative Commons license like the one I use on this site. Occasionally, images will be used that have a stricter copyright but only in cases that fall under fair use.
As far as attribution goes, every image I use that is not my own is linked to the original source (meaning you can click on it and it will open the page the image originated from, for you less the tech savvy readers out there). This link will exist whether I have modified the image or not, and even if unmodified the image itself will be hosted on blogger servers with the link simply embedded (meaning I am not hotlinking like a jackass and stealing your bandwidth, despite how it might first appear).
Unfortunately, I was not always as knowledgeable and conscious of intellectual property issues as I am now, and I used many images in the early days of this site without researching their licenses very well or attributing them properly. As far as I know there are no out and out copyright violations (many of them were my own pictures or still fall under fair use, to my knowledge), but I will still be working going through the old posts and fixing them (properly attributing the images and replacing them with appropriately licensed works where necessary). It won't happen overnight though, so please bear with me.
All that being said, if you created an image that I used on this site and don't like it, please contact me (alternatively here or here, if you prefer social networks to email).