
Monday, October 12, 2009

Couldn't make this up if I tried Part 2

Part 1

So, here I am with a box of condoms I have no need for. I can't return them without looking like a jackass, I am sure as hell not going to throw away something that cost me that much (for those of you not in the know, the price of not having a baby is pretty high),
and it doesn't look like I am going to be using them in the foreseeable future. I relate my dilemma to a friend, who advises me on several possible courses of action:

1. Wishful Thinking Option: Hang on to them, you know, just in case.

2. Good Samaritan Option: Give them to a friend who needs them.

3. Thrifty Option: Find someone who will put them to use, and sell them off.

You know its not a good situation when the best advice someone can give you is to be desperate, creepy, or a secondhand prophylactics dealer.

Anyway, the action should be up on ebay later today, so get those credit cards ready!

1 comment:

  1. Did you ever open the box?
    I'm just wondering. No balloons or anything?
