
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stay a while, and listen

Dear readers, I must apologize for my repeated absence. However, there is a great evil that has kept me from you. For I find myself trapped in a terrible labyrinth, full of horrible monsters and deadly traps.

Around every corner in this maze of malice lies a new and even more dangerous beast, hell bent on rending flesh from bone.

Bladed pendulums swing at random, dripping with poison so potent a mere drop would end one's life in crippling agony.

Tomes of forbidden knowledge lie in wait, bound in human flesh and containing secrets so unthinkable that to know them would drive a man mad.

Puzzles adorn most every chamber, halting progress. The slightest miscalculation bars the door, trapping you to die a slow, lonely death.

It is in this place that I am trapped, desperately fighting against the horrors that besiege me and searching frantically for the exit.

But, enough about school. Suffice to say I have found myself quite busy these past few weeks, and unfortunately, as this blog isn't costing me 13k a term and basically deciding my future employability, the update schedule has suffered. Worry not however, because I am back with a vengeance. I will unleash my prose upon this network with a fury unseen since the angry God of old smote Sodom and Gomorrah.

Expect an update later this day, with many more following close behind.

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