
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

....My life got flipped...

"So, you...uh, want to talk about it or...?"

"No" I rolled down the window and lit the cigar dangling from my mouth. My car had been impounded, so Jim agreed to give me a lift back to my place.

Jim's sick ride

(Last time I give you a ride, asshole)

"Alright," Jim turned his attention back to the road. "Well, at least now we have a decent idea of whose house you tried to burn down."

"Actually" I said, examining my discharge papers. "This said I tried to burn down Gaga's haus."

  My bad Gaga....again

"Jesus," Jim sighed. "You seriously have no idea what happened that night?"

"No, and I don't think I particularly want to know" I took a long drag off my cigar. "I am just going to let the past be the past, no sense dwelling on it."

"That is...surprisingly mature of you."

"Why thank you. I am trying to do the adult thing" I ashed my cigar out the window. "And the adult thing to do is repress any and all emotion on the subject, drowning it in alcohol and nicotine when sheer will fails."

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