
Monday, December 28, 2009


1. Absence

I will be straight with you folks; As I am sure you have noticed, there hasn't been an update to SFT for a couple of weeks.  This is unacceptable, and I would really like to assume full responsibility for the lack of content.

Or at least I would, if I was sure I was responsible. 

The last couple of weeks are actually kind of a blur. Things float back to me in snippets, but I honestly have no idea where I was or what I was doing for the past half a month. Here are the things I do remember:

- I am pretty sure it all started when I went out to the bar with some friends

- I am pretty sure that bar burned down

- There were strippers in there somewhere

I am fairly certain they were women.

- Made some cash in an underground fight club

- Fought a bear (unrelated to fight club...I think)

or is it!?

- I got arrested at least twice

- I think I may have tried to burn down Lady Gaga's house.

My bad Gaga. Sorry.

Anyway, that's all I remember until I woke up in my bedroom wearing only blue socks and a Santa hat (Related note: I own neither article of clothing). Anywho, I guess I wrote some posts in the intervening time? They were sitting on my computer when I came to, so I guess I will post them later.

2. The Holidays

By all the many fallen in Hell do I hate the holiday season with a passion from the deepest, darkest depths of my withered and blackened soul. Am I sad I spent most of the season in a drunken, blacked out stupor? 

Not really.

3. Donations

Nanowrimo has been over for a while now, so I went ahead and changed the download link back. As much as I love the folks over at Nanowrimo, my many vices aren't going to pay for themselves. 

So, if you have any belated holiday cheer to send my way, be sure to drop it here.

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