
Monday, December 28, 2009


A little late I think. Whoops.




1 Store bought chocolate cake
1/2 gallon chocolate milk
1/5 gallon Bailey's Irish Cream

Break up cake and place in the bottom of blender. Pour milk and Irish cream over cake, then blend until it reaches the consistency of a milkshake. Serve in highball glass.


A drink a few friends and I concocted one night, Cake is basically a 34 proof desert. 

First Google Image result for cake.
Holy shit.

This stuff is delicious, but there is about zero chance you will ever drink more then a glass. Sure, the alcohol content is low, but you still run the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

First Google Image result for diabetes.
Holy Shit.

It is delicious though.


Strawberry Short Cake: Replace chocolate cake with strawberry shortcake and Irish creme with strawberry vodka, then prepare to be sued by American Greetings.


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