
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Old Man

So, I find myself the other day standing in the express checkout lane of Meijer's, holding a six pack of beer in one hand and a bag of skittles in the other (Don't ask, I don't know). Last thing I remembered before that was walking into a bar wearing a full suit and sunglasses, so I was a little surprised to find myself in jeans and a shop shirt labeled 'Mike'*. 

Anyway, the guy in front of me looked like he was a touch older then God, and was chatting up the cashier. I largely ignored him, and focused on trying to remember the events that led me there (with no luck, per usual) and didn't even notice the old man was done until the cashier carded me for the beer.

"Oh, he looks old enough to buy whatever he wants." The old man stuttered out, squinting at me. "Well, maybe, is it 18 or 21 these days?"

Oh good, I thought, Old, senile, and keen on talking to me. "21 for alcohol, 18 for tobacco." 

"Ah, leave it to Michigan." He adjusted his glasses and peered at my shirt. "Mike! I was almost a Mike! My mother wanted to name me Michael." 

"Yeah," A scratched my head, playing along to avoid explaining why I was wearing another man's shirt (mainly because I couldn't). "What did they end up naming you?"



"Yup, that was my father's name, and his father before him. So despite my mother's wishes that's what I got named". 

OK, at this point I was thoroughly confused. Was this old guy really a crazy senior named Adolf, or was he just fucking with me?

"Anyway, you have a good day son," He said over his shoulder as he pushed his cart away. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

*If your name is Mike and you are naked from the waist up, I might have your shirt.

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