
Monday, November 23, 2009


Today, dear readers, I want to relate to you a story once told to me by my father.

To inform the story a bit, my father works as an electrician at a Generally Massive auto manufacturer. The folks that work there can be a little rough around the edges, and every once in a while a scuffle will break out.

One day, a gentleman (let's call him Bill) was wandering around inside the cell of an active robot (for those of you not in the know, that's about as good an idea as blow drying your hair in the shower.). His partner (Let's call him Al) tells him to GTFO before he gets hurt.

All robots are like this, right?

Anyway, Bill, being a huge asshole, saunters out and calls Al a pussy. A argument ensues, which cuminates with Bill shoving Al. This is the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak, and Al rounds on the guy with a mean right hook. However, not but a second before his fist impacted Bill's jaw, he stopped.

Then he opened his hand and slapped him across the face.

My father would later ask him why. Everyone pretty much hated Bill, and would have simply respond to any inquiry about the matter with "Really? I didn't see anything". Al, displaying a level of badassery before never seen responded thusly:

"You hit a man, but you slap a bitch"


  1. Simply amazing. That is very awesome. You are no longer a superfag. I take back any previous comments suggesting that you are a fag. :)
