
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

R.I.P, Dignity

Hello Internet. Ready to have you delicate sensibilities rocked?

No, I know you are immune to nudity by now.

For most of us, the dead are to be respected. We treat their remains with the utmost care, we bury them is places considered hallowed, and we shun those who would speak ill of them. Even if we were all pretty sure they were into kids.

 Too soon?

 One growing form of caring for our dead is cremation, where we burn them down to a small amount of ash and store it prominently in elegant containers.

 Or ones that look like pacman enemies, you know, whatever.

 That is right folks, over here they are working on a project to encase the remains of your loved ones in a novelty ghost. Never again will you have to explain where Grandpa went to your young child, just point to this on the mantel and they have more then enough clues to figure it out themselves.

 They also come with QR codes, apparently.

 No more having to sift through Great Uncle Theo's old Gateway to go through his vintage porn collection. Now you can just hook that bitch up to the net, flip over his urn, whip out your smartphone and fap away!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Sorry folks. I know I just got back to it from the holidays, but then I got hit with a nasty one-two punch of back to school and a nasty cold.

Man, fuck the both of you.

Editor's note: Jesus Christ, you never run out of excuses do you? This is closer to the truth:

  Seriously, stop abusing yourself and 
buy a god damned day planner.

Anyway, I am going to make an honest effort to get back to a regular update schedule. I give it a 50/50 chance of succeeding.

Better make that 40/60

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Hey there ladies, gentleman, and the in-between. Its been a while, but I have been occupied with:

1. Finals

For about a week in the middle of December, I was busy with the semester's final exams. 

Those of you also in college understand, I am sure.

I spent the vast majority of my time in the library, studying my ass* off. It was marginally successful.

*studying my ass off = hitting on the hot girl working at the reference desk.

2. Christmas

The holiday was about as wonderful as you would expect. Suffered through the usual family stuff, including such gems as getting woken at the asscrack of dawn and questioned as to why all the gifts I gave were in brown paper bags instead of wrapping paper.

I thought it would only get worse when my extended family showed up, despite them promising to bring apple pie. 

Until they showed up and I figured out which apple pie they meant.

They were extra classy and brought it 
in a mason jar.

 I don't remember a whole lot after that.

3. New Years

Editor's note: James, as you may remember there is a court order banning you from speaking of that night.
4. Registering for this semester

In my infinite wisdom, I decided to put off registration thinking I might be able to switch schools. It didn't pan out, and the delay made it extremely difficult to register. 
I had to employ some...creative solutions.