1. TFLN Book!
I have endorsed TFLN a few times (even once or twice while sober, which is saying something), and I am excited to see they have their own book! 
For those of you unfamiliar with Texts From Last Night (Which is shameful, really. I mean, come on, everyone has seen it by now!), it is a site where folks can submit drunken text messages they received (or sent, for the masochists out there) and the best are posted for the world to see.
This is a great system for generating both comedy for the people and incredible amounts of shame for those who sent the texts, but there was always the possibility that something could bring down the website (nuclear holocaust, /b/ trolling it to death, lolcat stampede, ect.). However, now your drunken shame is immortalized in print for all eternity!
If you haven't sent a text that made it into this book,
you aren't having enough fun.
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