
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Its like the 90s all over again

 Apologies for the late post. A friend of mine got me all distracted with an amusing chat room. So, instead of a regular update, I thought I would show you some of the highlights.

Note: My legal adviser has suggested I change the names of those involved.


Shorty: I had a dream i was a little girl and I failed my colege level astronamy test.
Shorty: it was a weird dream.
Xina: haha, best dream ever
Shorty: the teacher told me it was because i had add
Xina: I had a dream that Jabba the Hutt stole Ghandi's new girlfriend who
 happened to be a girl I hated in high school and I had to go rescue her from the
President Obama: I dreamt I was swimming with two people, but idk why
Shorty: actually the dream i had last night was better
Shorty: i was on the top floor of a highrise and i set a bunch of traps to catch the
 zombies comming up the stairs looking for me


President Obama: Buying pic of girl on girl action.
Xina: at work?
Xina: Barack?


Standard: So, what brings everyone onto the chat room today?
Xina: me
Xina: I made them do it
Xina: because I have nothing to do at work
Standard: Ahh, I see... You would              
Xina: indeed, and I did
James: Lies. I came because a decrepit old man in an allley once told me that if I
 didn't join this chat on this date at this time, the world would end
Ditzgookey: Punk'd


Xina: I"m a tiger
Shorty: i'm a puma
Shorty: vroom vroom
Ditzgookey: stop making up mythical animals.
James: I am a manticore
James: ...I have no idea what sound they make
Shorty: pew pew.
James: good enough


Xina: fetal humans and a whiskey sour please?


Well, there are a few of the highlights. Here is to hoping it doesn't distract me tomorrow.

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