
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stuff You Want

Hey there folks. How is the peasantry doing today?

As you may know (here is looking at you, FBI surveillance squad ;] ), I have a tendency to peruse the darker and edgier parts of the internet.

Not there.
Christ, do you think I am insane?

In my travels I have found some interesting products. Some are on sale, some are just personal projects, but they are all amazing. Here are a couple of the best:

1. The Clap-Off Bra

Shown here being the best thing ever.

The Clap-Off Bra is the genius invention of Randy Sarafan, who was apparently trying to replicate some of the novelty undies marketed in Syria (Mental Note: Book ticket to Syria). He built the contraption with a number of electronic components, that I have very little understanding of, to release in response to two quick claps, as shown in this purely informational video:

The Clap-Off Bra from Randy Sarafan on Vimeo.
If you want to make one for yourself, go ahead and check out the Instructable. If you are also interested in the LED heart nipple covers, Randy has your back on that too

Also, special mention to Danica Uskert, who modeled the invention. She has three instructables herself, and two of them involve breasts. That makes her aces in my book. 

2. The Confession App

Have you recently beaten a hooker for overcharging you and sullying your good name, only to make her drive herself to the hospital because you didn't want to get off the couch or stop oogleing the sweet houses on cribs or stop eating that double bacon cheeseburger

Want to confess this sin to your local clergyman, but don't want to forget a detail and accidentaly condemn yourself to eternal fire? 

There is an app for that

I kind of wish I was kidding.
That is right, there is now an official iPhone app for Catholics to keep track of their sins so they can better atone for them. It's even been officially approved by the boys in Rome!

For the low price of £1.19 ($1.99) you too can own this useful tool! 

While its still in its early life and I am sure the development team is focused on bug fixes right now, I do want to throw out a couple suggestions for future updates: 

  1. Port this sucker to Android. I don't have an iPhone, but I would really love an app to track my sins. Not to confess them, but just because I like to keep score. 
    1. Besides, iPhone users sold their soul to Steve Job's to get the damned thing, they are already a lost cause.
  2. Add the option to share your sins on Facebook and Twitter. I would love to be able to view my friends' sins and let them like and comment on mine.
  3. Geotagging! I can't be the only one who wants to keep track of where I sinned. 
    1. It could be like foursquare! James Harper became the mayor of Dort Highway (Lust)!

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