
Monday, November 2, 2009

Temorary repreive

Hey kids. Apologies for the spotty updating lately, things have been hectic. Unfortunately, I am way behind on today's update. I promise you it will be up today, but for the time being, here is some more highlights from the worlds most distracting chatroom.


Xina: James, don't get a tongue piercing
James: what about just getting it split?
Xina: James, don't do it.
President Obama: tongue splitting seems wierd
Xina: It would look weird
Xina: and I am the boss
President Obama: and as we know, Xina must be obeyed
Ditzgookey: but I hear that it makes makins out way more pleasurable
Xina: no, it would be totally weird
Xina: it makes other things more pleasurable, i'm sure...
James: still think I am going to pass. You can get better at that in a lot of ways
 that don't involve needles
Xina: true.  Practice and good direction makes perfect
Xina: :P
Xina: ^ that tongue sticking out - totally on purpose


  1. So would the ":P" emote with a person with a split tongue be ":K"?

  2. ooh, I like that question. I guess that makes sense, doesn't it?
