
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Can you Digg it?

Hello kids, and welcome to an update full of shameless whoring. 

1. Digg

For those of you new to this whole "internet" thing, Digg is an organizational website where people can submit web content they like, and then have it ruthlessly criticized and voted down into oblivion by people who feast on the pain and suffering of web content developers. 

Of course, on the off chance enough people like it, it can make it to the front page and attract countless more readers. 

Using my advanced knowledge of computer science and web development*, I was able to add a handy little Digg button to the bottom of every post. Like a post and think the rest of the internet might like it (hint: they probably won't)? Click submit. Someone already submitted it to Digg (...wait, really?)? Go ahead and click the same button, which should now allow you to digg it up. 

*Also known as liberal use of google and Ctrl+f and Ctrl+v

2. Facebook

I hear that the kids these days are using some new fangled business called Facebook. Word on the street is its like Myspace, except with less 14 year olds and terrible html editing. 

As a man who likes to be on the cutting edge, I figured it was high time I made a facebook page so you kids could declare your fandom of SFT to all of your 'friends'. 

3. Twitter

Want to complete the trifecta of Somewhat Funny Fandom? Then make sure to follow me on Twitter. It really is an incredible service. I mean, who would have guessed that 140 characters of unforgettable text was the perfect medium for my prolific wisdom?

Not sure what all the fuss is about twitter? Here is a sample of an average twitter account (courtest of cracked.com and Dr. Mister Cody):