
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Third Rule

That's right, its that time again. 

Rule Number Three:

Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to:

This should be an obvious one but it never ceases to amaze me how many people, when sitting on top of a nuclear bomb will ask the person next to them if they are going to die… OF COURSE YOU ARE, YOURE SITTING ON A NUCLEAR BOMB! Think about it, do you really want to know if your best friend is having an affair, if you have cancer, if your spouse is cheating, if your boss will give you a raise or fire you, if your mom has any sex toys… some things you just don’t want to know the answers to so why torture yourself by asking?

By and far my favorite (and among Doc's social circle, the most popular) rule, Rule #3 is something that really should be common sense. It reminds me of the idea of the "public secret"; Its something everyone suspects with a confidence just short of knowing, but that no one will bring to light because actually knowing it has unfortunate consequences. Everyone knows that John and Jane are having an affair, that their parents still have sex, that their food isn't that healthy, that he isn't tired its a hangover, ect. ect. But there is no benifit in confirming that, all it will do is cause problems. So just DON'T ASK.

Is there any benefit to knowing what kind of porn
is on your siblings computer?

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