
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Going forward

So there it is, the story of where I was for a while. I am sure my absence has saddened you all greatly, and for that I apologize.

Editors Note: Your arrogance is astounding.

Anyway, we have made some changes around here, so let me give you a quick rundown.

1. Schedule

SFT will be updating Tuesday-Friday at noon. This will give me a chance to sleep off my hangover on Monday.

Editor's Note: Lazy bastard.

2. Site Redesign

Taking advantage of some of the new features Google rolled out for Blogger, SFT now looks a whole lot nicer. Our new aesthetic is courtesy of Tina Chen. Also, there is now a Staff and About page that seems to be so popular around the internet at those "professional" websites. Nothing on them for now, but I will work on getting some content up there as soon as possible.

Editor's Note: The same way you were going to work on keeping to your update schedule?

Also, through a bit of HTML brilliance (and by that I mean not having to write it myself), the social network sharing links are now more streamlined and functional. So go ahead and share your favorite SFT posts by email, Blogger, Twitter, and Facebook!

Also, Google Buzz.

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