
Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Green Fairy



1oz Absinthe
1 Sugar Cube
Ice Water

Traditionally, absinthe is prepared by placing a sugar cube on top of a specially designed slotted spoon and then placing the spoon on the glass which has been filled with a shot of absinthe. Ice-cold water is then poured or dripped over the sugar cube so that the water is slowly and evenly displaced into the absinthe, typically 1 part absinthe and 3 to 5 parts water. During this process, components not soluble in water (mainly those from anise, fennel, and star anise) come out of solution and cloud the drink. The resulting milky opalescence is called the louche (Fr. "opaque" or "shady", IPA [luʃ]). Releasing these components allows herbal aromas and flavors to "blossom" or "bloom" and brings out subtleties originally over-powered by the anise. This is often referred to as "The French Method."

For the visual learners out there


The most common comment I have heard about absinthe is that it tastes like licorice. I find this to be a decent comparison, but the flavors of good absinthe are much deeper then that.

More importantly though is the history around this drink. Often refered to as The Green Fairy, absinthe was long thought to have hallucinogenic properties.

It is even rumored to make you
see Nicole Kidman Kylie Minogue

This is, of course, a complete and total lie (much like Santa Claus or the idea that most people are good at heart). While absinthe does contain a mile hallucinogen, its is in such small quantities that to drink enough to have any effect you would first die of alcohol poisoning. However, this misconception paired with its association with the publicly unpopular Bohemian movement led to its banning in many countries.

The bohemians were basically hippies. 
So can you really blame them?

It's back now, so go get some.


The Bohemian Method: Same as the French Method (see above), except the sugar cube is pre-soaked in alcohol and then set ablaze atop the spoon. It is then dropped into the absinthe, causing it to ignite, and then doused with a shot of ice water.

This makes a stronger drink and involves fire. So basically all around a better way to make it.


  1. Definitely a picture of Kylie Minogue as the Green Fairy from Moulin Rouge, not Nicole Kidman. :) Still, you have never failed to make me crave alcohol on a Thursday afternoon.

  2. Only doing my job*.

    Also, fixed.

    *corrupting the young of the earth in the name of the dark prince.

  3. Thank you, darling. I do so hate to see actresses misnamed.
