
Monday, June 15, 2009

And in the beginning...


You probably have some questions about this delightful little corner of the internet. Or maybe you stumbled here looking for humor related fetish porn. Doesn't really matter though, you are here now and its my blog so zip up and read on.

What is Somewhat Funny Things?

Why a collection of things you may find somewhat funny of course. You really should have been able to puzzle that out from the title.

Are you insinuating something?


Why I never...

You are not very smart.

Lets get back on track. Who are you?

I am James Harper. There are only three things you need to know about me: I write this blog, I am somewhat funny, and I know where you sleep.

What!? How?

Well, Google provides a service called blogger, which allows me to...

Not that, I meant the sleeping thing!

Oh, that. Yeah, I like to keep tabs on you. You know, just to be safe.

Safe from what?

Don't worry about it.

...right. Anyway, where are you located?

I move back on forth between Detroit and Flint Michigan about every three months or so. For those of you following along at home, that is the 3rd and 6th most dangerous cities in the United States respectively. I cannot claim any responsibility for Detroit, but Flint is totally my bad. Sorry about that.

What do you do?

Try my hand at writing, here and elsewhere. I have a day job, but that is hardly something you want to hear about.

Of course we do!

Lies and trickery.
No, really, we do.

Fine! If you must know, I spend most of my time trafficking illicit substances. Anything from drugs, to weapons, to people...

OK, I think that about wraps things up!

But I wasn't done! I hadn't even gotten to the part about organs yet!

Thanks for an informative session!

Informative? That is what we were going for?

Of course! Why did you think I was here asking these questions!?

I don't know what your motives are blue text. For all I know you could be gathering information to steal my identity and take over this site!


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