
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hair of the dog that bit you

What a week. Holy shit.

1. Higher Education

It would seem as though I have returned to school. Crazy shit, I know. Circumstance limits me from transferring to my school of choice until the fall, so instead of sitting around and fapping for several more months I decided to enroll in the local community college to finish up some General Education requirements. 

Pictured: The iron resolve necessary for higher education

Anywho, that business started last week, which threw off the update schedule a bit. Now that I am settled in though, it shouldn't be a big problem. I have three introductory Liberal Arts classes and Human Biology, so I should be able to update regularly, write a novel, knit enough sweaters to clothe the population of Flint, MI and still have ample time to ace my courses. 

Don't believe me? One of my courses is Introduction to Theater, which basically consists of watching youtube clips of performances and pretending to give a shit about Henrik Ibsen

The only thing I want to know
is how to get chops like that

Youtube clips such as this:

I guess that is performance art? Or theater? Or an idiot getting shot
by a jackass? I am not sure, I slept through the academic discussion of
this video.

2. Party

weekend was even crazier then the week that preceded it. I spent it
hanging out around my old university with my friends, and getting into
all manner of trouble. Highlights include:

-Discovering a personal immunity to ecstasy
-Watching a woman play DDR topless
-The Mad Scientist thinking drunken Aikido was a good idea

Better then Steven Seagal's sober aikido

-The Mad Scientist spraining his wrist

Add on a whole extra day to the weekend (I guess some fairly important dude was involved?)
and I ended up with a hangover that lasted well into Wednesday morning.

3. Picture of the Week

A rare gift indeed.

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