
Friday, June 19, 2009

News of the greatest importance

The observant among you may have noticed that things have been appearing on this blog over the past few days besides my insightful prose. Congratulations observant people, you are truly a step above the average man. As for the unobservant among you: come on, step it up folks. You are embarrassing yourselves.

Anyway, here is a quick breakdown of the new features of Somewhat Funny Things:

1. Ads!

So, you are all probably thinking "Hey, ads aren't a feature! They are just annoying!". Well, as an individual viewing this blog you are right. However, as an individual running this blog, ads are a very important feature. Why?

Cash money, that's why. Which brings me to...

2. Paypal donation button

Guess what? I am broke as hell, that's what. Turns out college costs a lot (what, you peasants think I was uneducated?), and my day job doesn't really cut it most of the time. I know that given the current economic situation I have it pretty good, but that isn't going to stop me from asking for any well-off visitors to drop me some coin to keep this operation running.

So, if you have some extra cash, like the site, and are feeling particularly generous, please hit me with some sweet donation lovin'. I promise to only use the proceeds to fund noble endeavors*. If you are interested, the donate button is right below the..

3. Somewhat Funny Twitter

So, how many times have you been reading this blog and said to yourself "You know, this sure is entertaining, but with my crippling inability to focus for any significant length of time it can be hard to get through a whole post. If only I could get my Somewhat Funny content in portions of 140 characters or less!"?

If this sounds like you, then you probably don't know because you didn't make it this far down the list. But if some of the more focused among you could let those folks know, I am sure they will be delighted to hear about the Somewhat Funny Twitter, which you can view from the blog or directly.

Well, that is all that I have added myself. The rest is pretty standard fair: profiles, feeds, followers and whatnot. You are all smart enough (I hope) to figure it out on your own.

P.S. Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page for an exciting collection of pictures of me doing what I do best: Being Awesome.

*"noble endeavors" include but are not limited to: booze, hookers, smokes, and attempts to woo/kidnap Gerard Butler.

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